
E-mail signup forms

Email sign-ups allow users to stay engaged on a specific topic or content type produced by the Bureau. They are used to add individual email addresses to a specific mailing list that is relevant to the content on the page or the section it is contained within.


The email sign up form is comprised of a slug heading, custom description text, form field for the user to enter their email address, standardized link to a privacy policy statement, and standardized sign up button.

Different page types will be connected to the corresponding GovDelivery list based on the page topic (i.e. HMDA) or page type (i.e. blog).

Sidebar email sign up

When implemented into a side bar, the h2 includes CFPB standard top green border.

HTML code snippet

<div class="o-email-signup">
    <header class="m-slug-header">
        <h2 class="m-slug-header_heading">
            Buying a House?
        Put your sign-up text here for the users.
    <form class="o-form o-form__email-signup" method="POST" action="#">
        <div class="m-notification">
          <svg xmlns="" class="cf-icon-svg cf-icon-svg__approved-round" viewBox="0 0 17 20.4"><path d="M16.417 10.283A7.917 7.917 0 1 1 8.5 2.366a7.916 7.916 0 0 1 7.917 7.917zm-4.105-4.498a.791.791 0 0 0-1.082.29l-3.828 6.63-1.733-2.08a.791.791 0 1 0-1.216 1.014l2.459 2.952a.792.792 0 0 0 .608.285.83.83 0 0 0 .068-.003.791.791 0 0 0 .618-.393L12.6 6.866a.791.791 0 0 0-.29-1.081z"/></svg>
            <div class="m-notification_content">
                This is for notifications after the user submits e-mail address.
        <div class="m-form-field">
            <label class="a-label a-label__heading" for="email_2">
            Email address
            <input class="a-text-input a-text-input__full" id="email_2" name="email" type="email" placeholder="" required="">
        <div class="o-email-signup_buttons">
            <button class="a-btn">Sign up</button>
            <a class="a-btn a-btn__link a-btn__secondary" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
            See Privacy Act statement


  • Heading: H5 slug
  • Body copy: Avenir paragraph

Inset email sign up

The inset email signup module is a variation on the main email signup that can be used in the body content of Learn and Browse pages. It should be used when the email CTA is more important to the purpose of the page than the sidebar or prefooter placement reflects.

Inset email signup

When to use inset email signup

  • On Learn pages, only use the inset email module when signing up for the email list is a primary user goal for the page, for example job seekers signing up for job announcements.
  • On Browse pages, use the inset email module when feedback modules or other prefooter content competes with the prefooter email signup CTA, or when signing up for the email list is a primary user goal.

When other options are better

  • On Learn pages when we want to encourage visitors to sign up for an email list but the list itself is not a primary user goal, use the standard sidebar email signup.
  • On Browse pages, when email signups are not a primary user goal, and the prefooter/end of page content has no other CTAs to compete with the email signup, use the standard prefooter email signup.


  • Heading: H3
  • Body copy: Avenir paragraph